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Coral in the Diaspora by Jerrice J. Baptiste is officially available and is the third chapbook in Abode's 2024-2025 lineup! 


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Book Description: Coral in The Diaspora by Jerrice J. Baptiste is a collection that captures the lives of the Haitian people as they embrace the goodness in their community. It celebrates the wisdom of the elders as leaders who are cherished for their commitment to help the island thrive. Each member of the island's community is welcomed and valued for their special gifts and the joy they each create by being unique souls. Coral in The Diaspora creates a visceral experience for its readers through its colorful imagery and beautiful language by giving voice to the island of Haiti.


About the Author: Jerrice J. Baptiste is a poet born in Haiti. She has educated different ages through her seven multicultural children’s books with the whimsical talented artist April Matula, and also by her full-length poetry book titled Wintry Mix. As an author she has presented her books in hundreds of public & private schools since 2013. She is also the founder of Authentic Poetry workshops in The Hudson Valley, NY for the past 20 years. She has been a recurring teaching artist/poet at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Jerrice was a recipient of a CREATE Grant for poetry performance & Teaching in Prattsville, NY in 2022, and also a recipient of a residency for the Women’s Leadership Program at The Omega Institute in 2019. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Jerry Jazz Musician for 2024 and as Best of The Net by Blue Stem for 2022. Jerrice has been the featured poet on Planet Poet: Words in Space in Roxbury, NY, The Woodstock Poetry Society, and The International Women’s Writing Guild. Her poetry has been published and is forthcoming in Urthona: Buddhism & Art, Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & The Arts, Artemis Journal, The Yale Review, Mantis, Poetica Review, The Minetta Review, The Banyan Review, Kosmos Journal, The Caribbean Writer, Big Wing Review and hundreds of others. Jerrice enjoys doing humanitarian work for others in Haiti. Her poetry and collaborative songwriting are featured on the Grammy award nominated album, Many Hands: Family Music for Haiti.



ISBN: 979-8-9900598-2-5

Publication Date: 8/1/2024

Copies will officially be distributed on August 1st.  



Praise for Coral in the Diaspora by Jerrice J. Baptiste 


"Jerrice Baptiste’s inspiring Coral in the Diaspora is a tribute to generations of Haitian families who transform the ordinary––caring for infants, cooking, doing laundry, sharing stories of their heritage—into works of honor and respect. What an enlightening series of richly lyrical narratives!"

–– Carolyn Martin, Ph.D., editor, educator, author


"Jerrice J. Baptiste has lovingly crafted this work. They sing and will have you singing.
In "Trilogy," Jerrice writes: I have a story to tell. The words are trapped in my native
. This work has freed them. You will inhabit these poems. As these poems, Haiti,
will inhabit you."


–– Phillip X Levine (Chronogram Magazine, poetry editor)


“Jerrice Baptiste's lush and tender poems will take you on a compelling sensory journey that celebrates life in Haiti. I found myself relaxing into the soothing order in this world, where the harsh heat is balanced with cool breezes and nourishing fruit, family rituals are passed down to guide younger generations through life's mysteries and milestones, and nature’s wisdom prevails. Magical!” 


–– Sarah Urech, holistic educator, coach, improvisational storytelling performer 

Coral in the Diaspora by Jerrice J. Baptiste

  • 50% of proceeds from sales of Coral in The Diaspora will go to Ecole Mixte La Redemption in Duvivier, Cite Soleil, Haiti as the author has family connections to the school itself. Baptiste's Aunt Mirlande Derosier Laurore is the Volunteer Executive Director of the school, and her uncle Roodly Laurore, who is a published Haitian poet, is a volunteer teacher at the school too. 


    The Journey of Ecole Mixte La Rédemption!

    History of Mixte la Rédemption School: In November 2005, during a visit to the Duvivier community in the midst of the academic year, my cousin Jean Emmanuel Charles and I observed a significant presence of children in the streets, prompting questions about why so many children did not have access to education. Following this observation, funds were raised to support academic activities, and Mixte la Rédemption School was officially founded on September 12,
    2006, with the aim of providing education to the underprivileged and needy children of Duvivier, a neighborhood within the municipality of Cité-Soleil. This marked the welcoming of the first cohort of 33 children aged 3 to 7. Now, after 17 years of service in the community, the initial goal persists, and we are truly proud to leave such a legacy in the neediest commune of Haiti. The school is administered by a committee of 5 members, including Abdias Charles, Founding Director; Mirlande Laurore, Executive Director; Sodanne Eugène, Academic Director; Bégarry Chéry, Administrator; and Jerrice Jean Baptiste, Communication. We also have a teaching staff of eight (8) professors following the strict program of the Ministry of National Education, supervised by the educational direction of the institution. Additionally, a maintenance and cleaning team of 3 members is supervised by the administrator. The presence of this institution in the community has played a crucial role in the academic development of hundreds of children, and currently, it has 90 students. However, the country's situation makes our work more challenging. That's why we appeal to all those who can support this work wholeheartedly to help save the needy children of Cité-Soleil.
    Every educated child is a person gained!

    Histoire de l’école Mixte la Rédemption: En novembre 2005, lors d'une visite effectuée au sein de la communauté de Duvivier en pleine année académique, mon cousin Jean Emmanuel Charles et moi avons constaté la présence importante d'enfants dans les rues, suscitant ainsi des questionnements sur les raisons pour lesquelles tant d'enfants n'avaient pas accès à l'éducation. À la suite de cette observation, des fonds ont été recueillis en vue de soutenir les activités académiques, et l'école Mixte La Rédemption a été officiellement fondée le 12 septembre 2006 dans le but d'offrir le pain de l'instruction aux enfants démunis et nécessiteux de Duvivier, un quartier dépendant de la commune de Cité-Soleil. C'est ainsi que nous avons accueilli une première cohorte de 33 enfants âgés de 3 à 7 ans.

    Maintenant, après 17 ans de service dans la communauté, l'objectif initial perdure, et nous sommes aujourd'hui véritablement fiers de léguer un tel héritage dans la commune la plus nécessiteuse d'Haïti. L'administration de l'école est assurée par un comité de 5 membres, comprenant Abdias Charles, Directeur fondateur; Mirlande Laurore, Directrice Exécutive; Sodanne Eugène, Directrice académique; Bégarry Chéry, Administrateur; et Jerrice Jean Baptiste, communication.

    Nous disposons également d'un personnel enseignant composé de huit (8) professeurs travaillant selon le programme strict du ministère de l'Éducation nationale, supervisés par la direction pédagogique de l'établissement. De plus, une équipe de maintenance et de nettoyage composée de 3 membres est supervisée par l'administrateur.

    La présence de cette institution au sein de la communauté a joué un rôle déterminant dans la formation académique de centaines d'enfants, et actuellement, elle compte 90 élèves. Cependant, la situation du pays rend notre travail plus difficile. C'est pourquoi nous faisons appel à tous ceux et celles qui peuvent soutenir ce travail de tout cœur afin de sauver les enfants nécessiteux de Cité-Soleil.

    Chaque enfant éduqué est une personne gagnée !


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